November 19, 2024


October 30, 2024



November 8, 2024


Position your business as a community supporter

The Community Gems is a Dayton Daily News series dedicated to honoring the spirit & grit of people who make our community better!

The six-month series, starting in May, will highlight and recognize “People Who Make the Community Better.” It promotes unity and goodwill throughout the region with weekly features in the Dayton Daily News and and will conclude with a special section that will be inserted into the Dayton Daily News on November 19!

Community Gems are nominated by the community to recognize individuals who make a difference with their time, talent and dedication.

Gems are named from every part of our community from the Good Samaritan, to the child who helps the elderly neighbor, to the dedicated volunteers whose work sustains our community organizations, to those who work tirelessly for a cause or share their creativity and make our community more vibrant.

Nominate a Gem

Dayton Daily News reporters profile the Community Gems in the paper and on

Beginning in May, Dayton Daily News will dedicate a full page every Sunday to the Community Gems, giving readers a closer look at the people making a difference in the community and inviting them to join in the celebration.

The stories reach over 202,000 readers every Sunday!

We will print a special cumulative tabloid section honoring the profiled individuals on November 19.



Full Page (10” x 9.75”)

1/2 Page H (10” x 4.75”)

1/2 Page V (4.93” x 9.75”)

1/4 Page (4.93” x 4.75”)

*All ads are full color

Presenting PRINT


Sponsor logo inclusion in: DDN “Community Gems” masthead for 24 consecutive Sundays & Cumulative Tab Cover on 11/19

Strip Ad at bottom of weekly page: Must be cause-related message, complimentary of the initiative (vs. sales/promotions)

Full Page Ad on back of cumulative tab: Must be cause-related message, complimentary of the initiative (vs. sales/promotions)




Sponsor logo inclusion in: Digital Hub masthead banner

Halfshade at top of Digital Hub: Must be cause-related message, complimentary of the initiative (vs. sales/promotions)

SOV Impressions on Digital Hub, Nomination Page & Story Pages: Must be cause-related message, complimentary of the initiative (vs. sales/promotions)

Presenting Sponsor Receives:

  • Logo inclusion in all promotional marketing for the Community Gems series, Apr – Nov
  • Logo inclusion in Masthead of Community Gems Page, 24 consecutive Sundays
  • Strip ad on Community Gems Page, 24 consecutive Sundays (cause-related message)
  • Full Page ad in 2024 Culmination Tabloid (Nov 19) + Logo presence on cover
  • Logo inclusion on Community Gems Digital Hub Masthead, Jan – Dec 2024
  • Half Shade presence on Community Gems Digital Hub, May – Nov (cause-related message)
  • SOV impressions on Community Gems Digital Hub, Nominations & Story Pages, May – Nov (cause-related message)
  • Logo inclusion on giveaway item mailed to Gems
  • Opportunity to provide additional giveaway item(s) for Gems (will need approx. 50 pieces)
  • Category Exclusivity – First right of renewal for subsequent year

Promotional Value: Over $150K

Dayton Daily News Promotional PLAN:

Messaging will be a mix of soliciting nominations and driving readership of the stories in print & online.

Presenting Sponsor logo inclusion in all newspaper promotions throughout campaign

  • Mini. 132 ads in the Dayton Daily News

Presenting Sponsor logo in all digital impressions on Cox First Media Exclusives

  • Min. of 2M display/video impressions across,, and
  • DDN Subscriber Email Newsletters running May - Oct
  • Min. of 6 Halfshades on

Presenting Sponsor logo inclusion in paid advertising to expand reach

Presenting Sponsor handshake in paid social advertising to increase engagement & conversions

Presenting Sponsor logo inclusion and/or mentions in any community partnership placements

Community Gems

In a recent survey, our readership named “stories about positive things happening in our community” as one of the most important reasons why they read & subscribe.

Looking for more information on how to advertise in the Community Gems publication or other advertising opportunities? Fill out the form below and we will get back with you.