Focus on PreK-12
Education Today is designed for students of all ages and their parents as they navigate important decisions from early education through secondary education.
These special digital issues will publish 2x per year (Spring and Fall) and highlight local public and private schools, innovative online learning programs, career technology options, early childhood initiatives, and more!
Published Digitally Twice Yearly
Spring Edition: April - June Fall Edition: September - November
Cox First Media Subscribers
are highly educated and more likely to have a child graduating within the next 12 months.
Now more than ever, our children have had to learn differently. Make sure they see how you can help them succeed.
Featured in the
digital edition of the
Dayton Daily News
These special digital issues will publish 2x per year (Spring and Fall) and highlight local public and private schools, innovative online learning programs, career technology options, early childhood initiatives, and more!
PLATINUM & GOLD Sponsorships include a traditional ad as well as space to tell a story of your choosing – highlight in-demand fields, new programs, etc.
PLATINUM = Half Page H Ad + Half Page H Story
GOLD = Quarter Page V Ad + Quarter Page V Story
Cox First Media Exclusive run of network (RON) banners
Specs: 728x90, 300x250, 728x315, 970x250, 320x50, 320x150 + Click Thru URL
6x Targeted Email's sent to
potential students and their families
Emails sent directly encouraging audience to explore the digital publication for more in-depth content.
Platinum Plan
Client Specific Placements:
Logo Inclusion Placements:
Gold Plan
Client Specific Placements:
Logo Inclusion Placements:
Silver Plan
Client Specific Placements:
Logo Inclusion Placements: